Market Gardening
Market Gardening is the main activity of SERRES JRC. We are currently placed as an unavoidable company in the construction of market gardening greenhouses in France. Our range of products allows us to answer your needs in the most simple way, by adapting our products to your crops.
Our structures are approved by the applicable greenhouse standard [NF EN 13031-1]. For each project, we adapt the structure of each greenhouse to the climatic loads of your area (wind and snow).


The Multispan ATLANTIQUE 11.60m greenhouse was created upon request of certain producers looking for a big shelter which could both have a great air volume for an excellent sanitary condition and a great width so they could grow 6 Nantes strip-tills (1,4m wide bands of tilled land).
This shelter is particularly appreciated for mechanized farming with the same tools as in an open field.

The Multispan ATLANTIQUE 9,60m is characterized by its great air volume, a great brightness and a good development of tall crops.
This model is particularly appreciated for the suspended cultures for the production of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, soilless strawberries and everbearing flowers.
The structure of this 9,60m multispan is made of our Oval Tube TO95 High Resistance (see JRC Innovations for more information) for increased strength and a faster assembly.
This 9,60m multispan is designed with our aluminium beam gutter (see JRC Innovations for more information) for increased brightness and for an increased longevity against corrosion.

The BI-TUNNEL ATLANTIQUE 9,60m is essential for the producers of diversified crops looking for an area of 800m² to 3000m².
Its best assets are the quality of the ventilation, due to very high side vents, excellent brightness due to the low obstruction of the aluminium beam gutter, a competitive cost.
This BI-TUNNEL 9,60m greenhouse alows the production of a broad range of vegetables, from tomatoes to salad. The structure is adapted to have suspended cultures for the production of tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants and soilless strawberries.
This product is now available with our High Resistance Oval Tube TO95 JRC!

The STRAIGHT-SIDED ADRIATIQUE TUNNEL 9,60m was designed with an entry height allowing an easy access to agricultural machinery.
The high side vents allow for great air renewal, less temperature fluctuation and an higher sanitary quality of the crops.
The structure of this straight sided gardening tunnel is made of our Oval Tube TO95 High Resistance (see JRC Innovations for more information) for a greater strength, greater brightness and faster assembly.

Our STRAIGHT-SIDED GARDENING TUNNELS exist with widths of 6m, 7.80m, 9.60m and 12m. They can be coupled to realize bi-tunnels or more.
The straight-sided tunnel greenhouses for gardening are popular for their ease of assembly and their working comfort.
Their use is diversified: salad, spinach, cucumber, zucchini, tomatoes, turnip, celery, strawberries and early potatoes.
Every kind of side vents can be installed, motorised or not, with or without windbreak or anti insect nets.

The Multispan 9,60m BALTIQUE for soilless crops is renown for its strength, its simplicity of assembly and its competitiveness.
The use of our Oval Tube TO95 High Resistance (see JRC Innovations for more information) give this multispan greenhouse an exceptionnal strength for the growth of soilless strawberries or tomatoes.
The roofing aeration by winding gives a great ventilation, and contributes to the increase of the sanitary quality of the greenhouse.
According to the specificity of your crops, this multispan greenhouse can be covered with any kind of plastic film, including the JRC long duration films.

The 9,30m TUNNEL is particularly appreciated by biological gardeners.
Its advantages are: ease of assembly, strength and its small cost per m².
Clearance of 50cm optimised.
Several crop support heights are available.

The JRC Equipment Shelter allows a transverse storage of gear, vehicles or goods. The spacing of 6m between the front columns allows the housing of large machinery.
The depth of 9.80m allows the housing of agricultural gear equipped with their tools.
This storage shelter is approved by the standard 13031-1 (Insurable)